A few weeks ago I told you about how much fun I was having learning MkDocs to create the user guide for our XKPasswd project. Once I got past the hurdle of fighting with Python (mostly by avoiding it which limited what I could do), I was able to produce beautiful documentation. MkDocs allowed me […]
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Replacing Ulysses with Bear
MarsEdit is My Blogging Platform I’ve mentioned quite a few times that I use the awesome blogging tool for the Mac, MarsEdit from Red Sweater Software. Every blog post you read has come from MarsEdit. MarsEdit lets me write in the plain text language Markdown, or I can write in HTML, or I can mix […]
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As a beginner developer, I find it very difficult to recommend coding tools to others because I’m worried the more advanced programmers will make fun of me. They’ll say my opinion is wrong because I don’t have the right experience, or I’ll accidentally step into a religious war like saying vi is better than Emacs. […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #651 – Bart Busschots on PBS 100 of X — Time Sharing Challenge Solution
In this positively delightful episode, Bart and I celebrate 100 episodes of Programming By Stealth. When we hit 99 installments, Bart declared that for 100, there should be cake! So I got Bart’s darling beloved to deliver him a piece of cake right as we started, and Steve delivered one to me. To say that […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #638 – Bart Busschots on PBS 96 of X — World Clock Challenge Solution
This installment of Programming By Stealth is a solutions show all about the clock assignment from PBS 92. Bart’s been quite busy this week designing an entirely new distance final exam system for the university where he works so he asked if I’d take on half of the content by presenting my solution to the […]
Continue readingMore TagGlitch.com Web Learning Tool Review by Caleb Fong
Originally I was going to compare Codepen to Glitch, but then I discovered a feature of Codepen that I didn’t realize was there and have to re-evaluate my original comparison. So today … it’s just focused on glitch.com. But I’m getting ahead of myself. What’s the problem to be solved? Namely web hosting. Server husbandry […]
Continue readingMore TagNC #739 Retrobatch, AirFly, GTA Car Kit, Pixelmator Photo, Glitch.com, Photo Processing On the Go
Allister Jenks is standing in this week for a vacationing Allison and Steve, with the help of a couple of NosillaCastaways.
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #600 — PBS Supplemental — Dorothy Rendon on the PBS Index
In the very first Programming By Stealth supplemental episode, I interview Dorothy Rendon, the programmer behind the PBS Index. If you haven’t seen it before, it’s an index that Dorothy has created for the Programming By Stealth students to helpt them find key topics in Bart Busschots’s fabulous tutorial shownotes. We’ll first get a little […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #585 – Bart Busschots on PBS 73 – Mustache Templates
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots teaches us about Mustache Templates. Mustache Templates are a library that allows you to input any string and output a string. Unlike the template tag for HTML5, Mustaches are not restricted to HTML snippets. Mustache isn’t the only game in town but it’s Bart’s favorite. I […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #583 – Bart Busschots on PBS 72 – HTML5 Templates
Last time Bart teased us that we were going to learn about the template library called Mustache, but he realized that he needed to teach us about vanilla HTML 5 Templates first. He starts by showing the problem to be solved: how messy and error-prone it is to create HTML elements using jQuery. Then he […]
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