In this installment of Programming By Stealth, we’re working towards our first truly practical assignment in the series – a function that finds all links on a page, and if, and only if, they lead to an external page, alters them to open in a new tab, and appends an icon indicating that fact. Bart’s […]
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NC #565 Judiciary Hearing FBI vs Apple, Nuke and Pave vs OmniDiskSweeper, Security Bits
I watched the entire five hours of the Judiciary Committee Hearings in the case of the FBI vs. Apple, so you didn’t have to. I think you’ll like what you hear, it’s actually optimistic about our government officials. Next up I’ll tell you how I did not do a nuke and pave, and why you […]
Continue readingCCATP #428 Programming by Stealth – 10 of x (Yet More CSS)
If you want to know why there are pig faces in this image, check out the latest installment of Programming By Stealth from Bart Busschots. He takes me through four new CSS methods to style lists, he teaches me more CSS selectors, and then we get to play with pseudo-classes. It’s great fun and I […]
Continue readingCCATP #426 Bart Busschots Programming by Stealth – 9 of x (More CSS Positioning)
This week Bart introduces a visual tool he created just for us (well, for me) to help us really understand how the box model works in CSS. You can see his tool here:… and follow along with his detailed tutorial on More CSS Positioning here:…. mp3 download
Continue readingCCATP #424 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth – 8 of x (CSS Positioning)
Buckle up everyone – in this Installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart will dig in deep on explaining how to position the blocks we’ve learned about before onto our web page using CSS. It’s a tough hill to climb but Bart stays patient with me till I THINK I’ve got it! You can find Bart’s […]
Continue readingCCATP #422 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth – 7 of x (More CSS)
Bart Busschots joins us again for part 7 of his series Programming by Stealth. In this instalment we’ll build on our basic understanding of CSS from previous instalment. We’ll start with some new CSS selectors, in the process, introduce two new HTML tag attributes, then we’ll move on to the CSS box model. Each HTML […]
Continue readingMarkdown Dogpile – Guest Post by Jim Sewell
Jim Sewell wrote this to me in an email in Markdown. He did this as an illustration of how he, along with Bart and just about everyone else, seem to think I’m missing the boat on using Markdown instead of html. I enjoyed it so I asked permission to share with all of you. Thoughts […]
Continue readingCCATP #420 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 6 of x (Introducing CSS)
In the 6th installment of Bart Busschots’ Programming by Stealth series, he introduces the concept of CSS to allow us to format our html pages. He gives us an overview of terminology, explains the different ways to add CSS to an HTML document, explains the basic syntax, and finally gives us some examples of text […]
Continue readingCCATP #419 Bart Busschots Pretty Markdown & HTML Links with TextExpander & Perl
Bart likes to give credit to the sites he references in his shownotes but the links get fairly clutterly. He wrote a very short (17 line) perl script and put it inside TextExpander to make pretty links instead. He wrote this for Markdown but since I like html better he created a version for html […]
Continue readingCCATP #418 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 5 of x (HTML Images & Links)
In this week’s episode of Chit Chat Across the Pond we have Bart Busschots with another installment of Programming by Stealth. He covers the syntax for images and links in HTML and the attributes you can apply and more importantly why you should apply them. He promises that with the first 5 episodes under our […]
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