In the previous installment Bart introduced us to the concept of block-level tags, and in-line tags. Block level tags define blocks of text like headers, paragraphs and lists, and starting a new block-level tag generally starts a new line in the page. Inline tags on the other hand effect a part of a block, and […]
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CCATP #411 – Bart Busschots on Programming By Stealth 3 of X – HTML Block Elements
In this week’s Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart Busschots takes us through Programming By Stealth Part 3 of X – HTML Block Elements. In the previous instalment we introduced HTML, learned about HTML tags in the abstract, and looked at a basic template for all HTML pages. Over the next few instalments we’ll be […]
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Bart Busschots is back with episode 2 of his Programming By Stealth series. He’ll take us on our first baby step towards programming by explaining how the Hyper-Text Markup Language works, better known to us all as HTML. HTML is not a true programming language, it is instead a simpler beast known as a markup […]
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It’s that time of the week again, it’s time for Chit Chat Across the Pond and this is episode 407 and I’m your host, Allison Sheridan . If you’re new here, Chit Chat Across the Pond has been an embedded part of the weekly show, the NosillaCast, since November 25th, 2007. I just decided to […]
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