Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, March 12, 2023, and this is show number 931. mp3 download ScreenCastsOnline Tutorial: Create Projects with Apple Photos Articles Keyboard Maestro Tips from Bob Cassidy All the Gear […]
Continue readingTag: live show
“It’s Showtime!” – Brought to You by Keyboard Maestro
Ever since Mike Price started working on how to automate the creation of chapter marks into the podcast using Keyboard Maestro, I’ve been taking baby steps to do things with this amazing macro tool myself. I am definitely still on the bunny slope with the tool, but I feel like I’m starting to get how […]
Continue readingNosillaCast Post Production in 10 Easy Steps!
I thought it might be fun to pull back the curtain on how the magic happens after we stop recording the live show every Sunday night. Since this is a podcast for geeks it seems like it might be interesting. I have never written the process down before but I’ve done it so many times […]
Continue readingMemoji for the Live Show
I had a realization the other day. With social distancing in effect, it’s likely I won’t be able to get my hair cut for months. Now clearly I realize that this is a very small thing in the big picture, but it did give me pause. Normal people change things in their lives all the […]
Continue readingNC #774 LINEDOCK, Adaptive Headlights, Live Show Goes Wrong, Nightwatch, SpotOn, Security Bits
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, March 8, 2020, and this is show number 774. mp3 download
Continue readingAll the Cool Kids are Moving to Discord
Sometimes I think that the Podfeet Podcasts are just an elaborate ruse to allow me to try out new gadgets and software. It is most evident in how I can’t seem to stop refining how I produce both the recorded and the live show. If you’ve never taken a look at the live show diagram, […]
Continue readingJust Ask…Again
A little over a year ago I told you that if you want something to be different about podfeet.com or the podcast, you should go ahead and ask. I think this bears repeating, maybe once a year. It has come up just lately because a few people have made requests and I thought if I […]
Continue readingNC #589 Live Show Sausage Making, Diagramming Live Show, Hangouts Moving, Screensharing, Fit and Healthy NosillaCastaways, Security Bits
In this week’s show we talk quite a bit about the tech behind the live show. I did a new diagram of how I broadcast my audio, Steve’s audio and my video to YouTube Live and to Alpha Geek Media and more. I created it with draw.io and you can see it at podfeet.com/blog/nosillacast-live/live-show-setup/. I […]
Continue readingNo voice? Text to Speech + Audio Hijack + Loopback For the Win!
I’m not sure you noticed on last week’s show, but the audio was just a little bit “different”. I started losing my voice on Friday and by Sunday I could barely squeak out a sentence. I get laryngitis periodically, ever since I was a little girl. Not sure why it happens, seems to be more […]
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