Garageband ’09 Get Rid of Reverb

for some reason GarageBand ’09 has reverb on the voices by default in Podcasts – This quick lesson shows you how to turn it off. There’s a lot more wrong with GarageBand ’09 for podcasting – the metronome is on, it doesn’t show the timer, instead it shows beats per minute, and number of beats, […]

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Audacity Setup for Podcasting

This tutorial will provide instructions on how to create an audio recording suitable for a Podcast using the Open Source software Audacity. This is not meant as an in depth tutorial on all of the functions within Audacity, but rather how to set it up so that you can record an audio file and save […]

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FTP to WordPress Using Cyberduck

This tutorial is designed to aid in explaining how to download and configure a free FTP client on the Mac called Cyberduck, and then find, upload and enable new themes for your WordPress installation. This tutorial assumes you already have WordPress installed on a server, and that you know your login name and password for […]

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Automator & Shortcut Tutorial

Creating keyboard shortcuts for Automator Actions by James Kocsis Ever want to create a keyboard shortcut for tasks you do multiple times a day? Here is a really simple way to do it. I use a combination of Automator and a utility called "Shortcuts" from: Shortcuts allows you to create keyboard shortcuts for contextual […]

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