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NosillaCast Logo - text says NosillaCast Podcast and EVER so slight Apple Bias. Main background is a gradient medium blue to lighter blue with a skyline of black silhouette buildings below. Behind the building are some geometric red shapes. And of course the prominent podfeet (two bare feet) are in the middle

NC #893 Time to Charge an EV, Tiny Mac Tips Part 1 of X, Steve Sheridan Clarifies EV/Solar/Battery Charging Terminology

Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Monday, June 20, 2022, and this is show number 893. I hope your routine wasn’t too disturbed by the NosillaCast coming out a day late! Steve and I on […]

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NosillaCast Logo - text says NosillaCast Podcast and EVER so slight Apple Bias. Main background is a gradient medium blue to lighter blue with a skyline of black silhouette buildings below. Behind the building are some geometric red shapes. And of course the prominent podfeet (two bare feet) are in the middle

NC #892 Make Your Own Handwriting Font with Calligraphr, Keychron Keyboard by Caleb, Security Bits

Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, June 12, 2022, and this is show number 892. mp3 download Solar Panel Roundtable – DTNS Special – Daily Tech News Show Before we get started with the […]

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The Day the Internet Lost Its Mind about 1Password Becoming an Electron App

Last week every single Apple-centric podcast was busy with hand wringing about Apple’s new child protection efforts. This week they have a new target for their hand wringing, and it’s the changes that the folks at AgileBits announced about 1Password. What Happened Was… Michael Fey wrote a blog post at explaining how 1Password has […]

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