You’ve probably noticed by now that I have created quite a few Tiny Mac Tips posts over the last couple of years with a goal of helping people move from adequate users of the Mac to power users. I just ran a count, and there are 53 tips posted so far and I have even […]
Continue readingTag: notion
NC #959 iOS 17 Video Tips from Jacob Woolcock, TrueNAS by PDXKurt, Notion by Jill from the Northwoods, Kia Sportage EV with Steve Ewell
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Wednesday, September 20th, 2023, and this is show number 959. Since the show is coming out super early on a Wednesday, this is your hint that there will be […]
Continue readingGet Organized with Notion — by Jill from the Northwoods
Hi, this is Jill from the Northwoods. You know how much I love getting organized. But I had a problem on my hands. I was a OneNote user and a couple of things going on there. I’m hoping to get away from using Office 365. Yes, I hear all the anti-Windows people cheering out there. […]
Continue readingHow Jill from the Northwoods Uses AI to Help Her Write
Hello, this is Jill from the Northwoods. I realized a while ago I really dislike writing. And, well, maybe dislike is a harsh term, but I’m certainly not good at it. I can get things done. Obviously, the work world needs me to be a good writer. I took a few classes through the university […]
Continue readingNC #915 Notion Databases, Velja Browser Picker, How to Add Alt Text for Images
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, November 20, 2022, and this is show number 915. Next week is Thanksgiving and I’ve got a whole slew of wonderful entries for our “I’m still using it”. […]
Continue readingNotion Databases Solving Real Problems
Notion’s Tagline I often come across a really powerful tool that solves many problems and has in-depth capabilities that are far beyond anything I need to use. And yet that same tool solves a few small problems for me. I hesitate to tell you about it because I know I’m not doing the tool justice, […]
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