In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart takes us on a time traveling adventure with Git. By using commands like git diff we can see changes over time, but we can actually see older versions of the code in a couple of ways. Using the archive command we learned out to pull just the […]
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CCATP #654 – Bart Busschots on PBS 102 of X – Introducing Git
In our last Programming By Stealth we learned about the concept of version control, and the evolution from client/server version control to peer-to-peer version control and the creation of Git. In this installment we start learning the fundamental concepts of Git. We learn about the database, the working copy, and the index and understanding the […]
Continue readingCCATP #651 – Bart Busschots on PBS 100 of X — Time Sharing Challenge Solution
In this positively delightful episode, Bart and I celebrate 100 episodes of Programming By Stealth. When we hit 99 installments, Bart declared that for 100, there should be cake! So I got Bart’s darling beloved to deliver him a piece of cake right as we started, and Steve delivered one to me. To say that […]
Continue readingCCATP #642 –– Bart Busschots on PBS 98 — Building with Classes Part 1 — Has-A
In this episode of Programming By Stealth, Bart explains one single concept, that of “Has-A”. This is part 1 of 2, where next time we’ll learn “Is-A” which is about inheritance. These both sound like odd terms but they’re part of what makes object oriented programming so powerful. Bart spends 90% of the time going […]
Continue readingCCATP #638 – Bart Busschots on PBS 96 of X — World Clock Challenge Solution
This installment of Programming By Stealth is a solutions show all about the clock assignment from PBS 92. Bart’s been quite busy this week designing an entirely new distance final exam system for the university where he works so he asked if I’d take on half of the content by presenting my solution to the […]
Continue readingCCATP #630 – Bart Busschots on PBS 92 — Currency Grid Solution
CCATP #630 for March 14, 2020, and I’m your host, Allison Sheridan. This week our guest is Bart Busschots with PBS 92 of X in which he walks us through his solution to the assignment from PBS 89 to create a grid of currency conversions. He doesn’t go through his code line by line, but […]
Continue readingWhen Currency Rate Decimals Go Wrong
Problem to be solved My Currency Conversion Web App (work-in-progress) I’m not entirely sure that this subject belongs in the NosillaCast but Bart was quite insistent that I write it up, so here I go. In Programming By Stealth we’ve been working on a little web app that will do currency conversions. Bart gives us […]
Continue readingPBS Tidbit 1 of Y — Display Values are not Data!
This is not a normal episode of Programming By Stealth, it’s what Bart Busschots is calling a PBS Tidbit. Listener @lbutlr pointed out to Bart and me on Twitter that Bart’s math was wrong in his solution to the challenge he posted in PBS 89. The assignment was to produce currency exchange rates for a […]
Continue readingCCATP #617 – Bart Busschots on PBS 87 of X — JavaScript Iterators Objects & Generator Functions
I’m not going to lie, this episode of Programming By Stealth with Bart Busschots was a bit head bendy. Bart explains JavaScript Iterator Objects and Generator functions but without his excellent examples I’m certain I would never have been able to get the concepts to even slightly congeal in my brain. Iterator Objects and Generator […]
Continue readingCCATP #615 – PBS 86 of X — JavaScript Function Objects (Redux & Update)
This week Bart Busschots takes us back through JavaScript function objects, explaining the three different ways to define a function. It was great to have them all together to refresh our memory. He explains how only one method is hoisted, which lead him to explain the medieval history reference of “hoisted by your own petard”. […]
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