When Bart and I hatched our plan for him to teach me and the audience how to program, he called it Programming By Stealth for a very specific reason. His plan was to sneak up on us by teaching us a single language first and then when we weren’t noticing, keep adding to our toolkit […]
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Sorry Steve, I’m Having an Affair with Claude
Like most developers, I’ve been using AI to help me with my little coding projects. In case you doubt that “most” devs are using AI, in June of 2023, which is a long time ago in AI years, Inbal Shani reported on the GitHub blog the results of a survey of developers. They wrote: A […]
Continue readingQuick Use of ChatGPT to Write JavaScript for TextExpander Snippet
When I add images to podfeet.com for blog posts, I use my blogging software of choice, MarsEdit. I just drag an image into the text of a post, and MarsEdit does all the formatting automatically, and uploads it to my server and links it up. On occasion I want to upload a different kind of […]
Continue readingPhilips Hue Programming, Off the Charts (Part 3 of 3)
In the second instalment of this series, I left you with a couple of useful scripts — one to fetch the device ID of a light, given a name, and one to perform the conversion from RGB to CIE colour. I developed those two scripts as necessary parts of what comes next. I have demonstrated […]
Continue readingNC #1006 Philips Hue Programming Parts 1 and 2, Espanso, Manta Sleep Masks, Re-usable Cable Ties and Cable Tags
Hi, this is Allister Jenks of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, August 18, 2024, and this is show number 1006. mp3 download Articles Philips Hue Programming (Part 1 of 3) Tiny Tip – Re-usable Cable Ties Command Line Text […]
Continue readingPhilips Hue Programming, Evolved (Part 2 of 3)
Device name selection In my previous instalment, I explained how to use the curl command to control Philips Hue lights. Part of the exercise involved dumping out a huge glop of JSON data and finding a long, gobbledegook of random alphanumeric characters that were the ID of a light we could control. I wanted to […]
Continue readingPhilips Hue Programming (Part 1 of 3)
A few years ago, I decided I needed to get some smart light bulbs. I need to be able to set very dim light in my study for the nights I am on call for my job. After trying some cheap no-name bulbs, I discovered the Nanoleaf Essentials range. These were affordable and also came […]
Continue readingCCATP #793 — Bart Busschots on PBS 165 of X – jq: Variables
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart explains why jq is uniquely designed not to need variables (most of the time) and then explains how to use them in the few instances when there’s no other way. It’s really a fairly straightforward lesson as Bart sets up some clear examples and solves them with […]
Continue readingCCATP #786 — Bart Busschots on PBS 160 of X — jq as a Programming Language
In this week’s installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots teaches us how to use jq as a programming language. Before we get into the new stuff, Bart takes us through his solution to the challenge, and I have to say I was pretty chuffed when he said my solution to the extra credit portion […]
Continue readingCCATP #785 — Helma van der Linden on Porting XKPASSWD from Perl to JavaScript
Helma Visiting Steve & Me from The Netherlands This week’s Chit Chat Across the Pond Lite is a stretch to the word “Lite”. I’d call it a crossover episode of Lite and Programming By Stealth. Helma van der Linden joins me to tell the story of how she has successfully started the new version of […]
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