In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots takes us through some review in order to prepare us to begin our journey into test driven development (TDD) with the tool Jest which he’s chosen for our TDD. He clears up some confusion on the difference between npm install and npm ci, and then he […]
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CCATP #615 – PBS 86 of X — JavaScript Function Objects (Redux & Update)
This week Bart Busschots takes us back through JavaScript function objects, explaining the three different ways to define a function. It was great to have them all together to refresh our memory. He explains how only one method is hoisted, which lead him to explain the medieval history reference of “hoisted by your own petard”. […]
Continue readingCCATP #554 – Dr. Maryanne Garry on Persuasion with Facts and Data
Dr. Maryanne Garry, a scientific researcher into memory, memory distortions, fans memories, the myth of repression and its overlap with the laws from the University of Waikato in New Zealand joins us again on Chit Chat Across the Pond. In this interview, Dr. Garry refers to the book “Mistakes were Made (but Not by Me)” […]
Continue readingCCATP #511 – Bart Busschots on PBS 44 – ES6 Arguments & Objects
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots teaches us new ways to deal with arguments and objects in JavaScript ES6. We learn how to set default argument values for functions in a way that is self-documenting. He explains how variadic (aka Rest) arguments allow you to shove all of the arguments of a […]
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