Hi. This is Jill from the Northwoods. So, there I was, in the midst of a pandemic hoping that I would not resort to sitting on a couch for the next six months. I exercise but some days it can be like pulling teeth. It’s even worse in the winters where there are cold days […]
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NC #558 Recon 50 Headset, Catalyst Waterproof Apple Watch Case, CleverPet, 3 Camera Shoot, Canary Home Security, 1Password All Vaults
We’re going to start with a short audio clip from George from Tulsa on the Recon 50 Gaming Headset that sounds great. Next up we’ll hear about the Catalyst Waterproof Apple Watch Case and the CleverPet Smart Pet Feeder. We’ll have a palette cleanser where I’ll explain how we did a three camera shoot for […]
Continue readingCES 2016: NASA’s Space Launch System
Steve Sheridan makes his debut in FRONT of the camera as he interviews Trey Cate from NASA’s Marshal Space Flight Center about the Space Launch System (SLS). The SLS will be the most powerful rocket NASA has ever built and will enable astronauts in the Orion spacecraft to travel deeper into the solar system. When […]
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