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Ten B.fter paint containers with the following color/scent combinations: Red/Cherry, Orange/Orange, Yellow/Lemon, Green/Mint, Blue/Aqua, Prussian Blue/Earl Gray, Violet/Lavender, Brown/Wood, White/Cotton, and Black/Vanilla.

CSUN 2024: B.fter Aroma Art for Visually Impaired People

Allison interviews Angela Maeng from Another Day about their B.fter Aroma Art designed specifically for visually impaired people. B.fter is a paint kit designed to help the user distinguish colors by having a unique nature-oriented scent assigned to each color. Examples of the many scent/color combinations include lemon for yellow, cherry for red, and lavender […]

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QD Laser's

CSUN ATC 2022: QD Laser Assistive Eyewear

Allison interviews Samuel Presgraves from QD Laser about their assistive eyewear technology. QD Laser’s RETISSA Medical technology uses laser retinal scanning to assist patients with low visual acuity caused by irregular astigmatism, which cannot be sufficiently corrected by conventional glasses and/or contact lenses. RETISSA achieves this by forming an image from a camera and projecting […]

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NosillaCast logo with pirate ship instead of buildings

NC #880 Apple Lost Simplicity, Steve’s NosillaCastaway Shanty, Eschenbach Foldable Magnifier, Bonocle Braille Mouse, Security Bits

Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, March 20, 2022, and this is show number 880. mp3 download Last week I told the story about how I created an Apple Shortcut with an embedded shell […]

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